Primary Contributors

Course materials and website design have been primarily developed and implemented by Ethan White and Zachary Brym. See our contributors page for more details.


The development of this course, and this site, have been supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation’s Data-Driven Discovery Initiative through grants GBMF4563 and GBMF4855, and by an NSF CAREER award.

Data Carpentry

Data Carpentry is a web and workshop based organization that is designed to teach basic computing concepts, skills, and tools for working with scientific data. The resources provided on this site are being developed in association with Data Carpentry.

Software Carpentry

Software Carpentry has been teaching scientists and engineers the concepts, skills, and tools they need to use and build software more productively since 1977. All of the content is freely available under a Creative Commons license (the same one we use here), and the existence of this content not only saves me a massive amount of time and effort, but also taught me a lot of what I know about programming well.


The site is built using Jekyll with the Hyde theme from Poole and icons from Font Awesome by Dave Gandy.