Following Bismark alignment took data through methylkit to identify DMLs.
In case methyKit needs an installation
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
::install("methylKit") BiocManager
Used cov files to import into methylkit
wget -r \
--no-parent \
--no-directories \
-P ../data/ "*cov" -A
Get a list of said files
<- list(
analysisFilescov "~/github/project-mytilus-methylation/data/105M.CpG_report.merged_CpG_evidence.cov",
#Put all .bam files into a list for analysis. )
Create a methylKit object with 2x coverage
= methRead(location = analysisFilescov, = list("105M", "106M", "107M", "109M", "239M", "240M", "241M", "242M", "269M", "270M", "271M", "272M", "69M", "70M", "71M", "72M", "78M", "79M", "80M", "81M", "92M", "94M", "95M"), assembly = "Mt", pipeline = "bismarkCoverage", context="CpG", mincov=2, treatment = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)) myobj_23
Filter methylKit object for 5x coverage
Unite methylKit object such that need data for 10 samples per group.
=methylKit::unite(filtered.myobj,, destrand=FALSE) meth_filter
Visualize the data
clusterSamples(meth_filter, dist="correlation", method="ward", plot=TRUE)
Find Differences
=calculateDiffMeth(meth_filter,mc.cores=24) myDiff
Get DMLs at 55% Difference
# get all diffentially methylated bases
=getMethylDiff(myDiff,difference=55,qvalue=0.01) myDiff_1055p
write.table(myDiff_1055p, file = "../output/11-methylkit-klone/")
Convert to Bedgraph
# Input and output file names
# Write the BEDGRAPH header
echo "track type=bedGraph name=\"MethDiff\" description=\"Methylation difference data\"" > "$OUTPUT_FILE"
# Process the input file to remove quotes and convert it to BEDGRAPH format
awk 'NR > 1 {gsub(/"/, "", $2); print $2 "\t" $3-1 "\t" $4 "\t" $8}' "$INPUT_FILE" >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"
echo "Conversion complete. Output saved to $OUTPUT_FILE"
track type=bedGraph name="MethDiff" description="Methylation difference data"
NC_086373.1 90626337 90626340 56.3226247436774
NC_086373.1 105503508 105503511 -57.8638497652582
NC_086374.1 34742950 34742953 58.2670906200318
NC_086375.1 31938078 31938081 -60.6923802783675
NC_086375.1 43581687 43581690 58.1981981981982
NC_086375.1 90876603 90876606 55.8823529411765
NC_086376.1 5631155 5631158 58.9955022488756
NC_086378.1 6633120 6633123 -55.241935483871
NC_086379.1 1603829 1603832 -60.822949869603
NC_086379.1 47961733 47961736 56.4495530012771
NC_086379.1 64017639 64017642 -63.5951772013153
NC_086379.1 64017774 64017777 -59.1351928466569
NC_086381.1 21212099 21212102 -56.0704607046071
NC_086382.1 25952233 25952236 -55.8318584070797
NC_086382.1 36708760 36708763 -56.5044858523119
NC_086386.1 17736432 17736435 -58.4235938927313
Using IGV for some visualization!
Intersecting BEDGRAPH with GFF files to get gene information of where DMLs are located.
# Input files
# Output directory for intersect results
mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR
# Loop through all GFF files in the directory
for GFF in $GFF_DIR/*.gff; do
BASENAME=$(basename "$GFF" .gff)
echo "Intersecting $BEDGRAPH with $GFF..."
bedtools intersect \
-loj \
-a "$BEDGRAPH" \
-b "$GFF" > "$OUTPUT_FILE"
echo "Result saved to $OUTPUT_FILE"
echo "All intersections completed!"
LOC134690221: GRAM domain-containing protein 4-like
• Methylation status: Hypermethylated (+56.32).
• Function: Involved in membrane-associated processes like signaling or vesicle trafficking.
LOC134695637: Otoferlin-like
• Methylation status: Hypomethylated (-57.86).
• Function: Plays a role in vesicle-mediated transport and sensory signaling.
LOC134707074: Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase N2-like
• Methylation status: Hypermethylated (+58.27).
• Function: Regulates cell signaling pathways affecting growth and differentiation.
LOC134711256: Cancer-related nucleoside-triphosphatase homolog
• Methylation status:
• Hypomethylated (-60.69).
• Hypermethylated (+58.20).
• Function: Involved in DNA/RNA metabolism and stress responses.
LOC134712818: Uncharacterized protein
• Methylation status: Hypermethylated (+55.88).
• Function: Unknown.
LOC134714536: Coatomer subunit epsilon-like
• Methylation status: Hypermethylated (+58.99).
• Function: Key player in intracellular vesicle trafficking.
LOC134720671: Roundabout homolog 1-like
• Methylation status: Hypomethylated (-55.24).
• Function: Guides axon growth and cell migration.
LOC134724475: Uncharacterized protein
• Methylation status: Hypomethylated (-60.82).
• Function: Unknown.
LOC134725187: Membrane protein BRI3-like
• Methylation status:
• Hypermethylated (+56.45).
• Hypomethylated (-63.60, -59.14).
• Function: Participates in signaling and membrane dynamics.
LOC134685297: Tumor protein p53-inducible protein 11-like
• Methylation status: Hypomethylated (-56.07).
• Function: Responds to cellular stress, regulates apoptosis, and growth arrest.
LOC134687110: Alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase alkB homolog 3-like
• Methylation status: Hypomethylated (-55.83).
• Function: Modifies nucleic acids or lipids, involved in repair and metabolism.
LOC134687290: Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 5-like
• Methylation status: Hypomethylated (-56.50).
• Function: Key regulator of stress response and cellular signaling.
Pollution impacts DNA methylation in mussels as an adaptive or maladaptive response to environmental stress. This epigenetic flexibility allows mussels to fine-tune gene expression for survival, repair, and detoxification under polluted conditions. However, prolonged or excessive changes can lead to impaired growth, reproduction, or transgenerational effects, ultimately affecting mussel populations and ecosystem health.