Launching more stress

starting new seed and adult hardening

Steven Roberts


March 11, 2024

Today I went out the the hatchery with Beyer adn we did a first heat hardening on small seed and started a ~two week long adult oyster chronic temperature regime.

Both cohorts are from the 2023 POGS spawn. For the seed two drawers were held outside labelled “stress” (far right stack in causeway). Screen captures were rinsed with fresh water such that all seed would be in short length such that could be dropped into plastic tub.

Seed were immersed in 24C water for 30 minutes. One pump and two heaters were used. After immersion heaters were directly moved to white tub on far left to avoid melting.

For adults about 100 adults were removed from Heath Trays, bagged and added to white tub on far right. Two heaters on thermostats were set to 25C, to come on around midnight and turn off at 6am. Below a temperature profile.


The plan is to have this go for about two weeks and then deploy along side siblings that did not get this heat regime.