Went out to the hatchery for a day 3 drop of commercial spawn. Larvae were in 2 5k tanks. The night before there was a bit of a banjo filter clog but it seems no larvae were lost.
We were able to get 1 Million larvae. Those that were caught on 40um filter. The hatchery kept everything on 70 & 60 um filters which came out to be about 66 million.
Huddls were at about 28C with algae pump set at 30 and algae tank getting 24 liters of algae (topped of with water). Flourometer counts were quite high ~40 when larvae were added but we cannot figure out how it got that high. EDTA (0.04g) was added to 50 gallon header. Commercial group will be left in tanks for 8 days. We will try something similar.