Filtering CT SNPs
removing CT snps from CG methylation data.
Need to take all 5x bismark tab outputs and filter to remove putative CT SNPs..
1 Locating 5x
Grabbing from
wget -r \
--no-directories --no-parent \
-P ../data \
-A "*"
head -20 ../data/*104*
grep $'C\tT' ../output/SNP.vcf > ../output/CT-SNP.vcf
wc -l ../output/CT-SNP.vcf
head ../output/CT-SNP.vcf
Need to be aware of potential difference in 0 base and 1 base. Will read both inβ in this case will just do a proof of concept on 104
test <- read.csv("../data/", header = FALSE, sep = "\t")
test2 <- test %>%
mutate(loci = paste0(V1, "_", V2))
ct <- read.csv("../output/CT-SNP.vcf", header = FALSE, sep = "\t")
ct2 <- ct %>%
mutate(loci = paste0(V1, "_", V2))
inner_join(test2, ct2, by = "loci")
test2 %>%
anti_join(ct2, by = "loci")
# 1. List all files with suffix
files <- list.files(path = "../data/", pattern = "$", full.names = TRUE)
# 2. Iterate over each file
for(file in files) {
# Extract base filename without the directory for naming purposes
base_name <- basename(file)
# Read the file
data <- read.csv(file, header = FALSE, sep = "\t")
# Modify the data
modified_data <- data %>%
mutate(loci = paste0(V1, "_", V2)) %>%
anti_join(ct2, by = "loci") %>%
# Write the modified data to an output file
output_file <- paste0("../output/f", base_name)
write.table(modified_data, file = output_file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
Written on August 8, 2023