Learning Objectives

Following this assignment students should be able to:

  • Better hone their skills in Collaboration
  • Apply fundamental aspects of dplyr and ggplot to a variety of data sets.
  • Write documentation that is readily understandable to peers
  • Effectively use Issues on GitHub.


Lecture Notes

Be sure to review Week 4 and Week 5 material to re-familiarize yourself with dplyr and ggplot. No new reading or lecture material.


Canvas Quiz

Exercise 1
A few weeks ago you submitted a data set and associated question(s). Create a Github repository as we did this week with the inside of the class organization named “lastname-wordrelatedtodata”. Include a script that reads in data locally or from url. In the Readme file describe the dataset and primary question you have regarding it.

Exercise 2
In the Readme file for your new repo, write the a general plan on how you might begin to tackle the question and explore the data. This should be very general (not code).

Exercise 3
Using the Issues feature in GitHub, create an issue where you suggest something interesting to explore in your classmates repositories.

Exercise 4
In the repository you created, begin to tackle the question you posed. Minimally you should create a modified data table / object and at least one figure summarizes the data or directly addresses your question.

Exercise 5
In at least 3 other repositories created this week make a suggested R code edit that generates a) summary information of the given data set and b) a new plot or revision to current plot. Please do this as an Issue.

Exercise 6 Optional
At any time you have a question on how you might go about accomplishing a task in R create a new Issue in the given repository.