NCBI Blast

Taking a set of unknown sequence files and annotating them

For the first task you will take an unknown multi-fasta file and annotate it using blast. You are welcome to do this in terminal, Rstudio, or jupyter. My recommendation, and how I will demonstrate is using Rmarkdown. Once you have have your project structured, we will download software, databases, a fasta file and run the code.


Annotate a provided fasta file with GO slim terms. Your code should be fully reproducible.

In your code directory create a file.



Rmarkdown is a good option as you can use markdown, add pictures and more!

Downloading software

NCBI Blast Software is at


It is best to decide on central location on computer where software will be downloaded.

cd /Applications/bioinfo/
curl -O
tar -xf ncbi-blast-2.13.0+-x64-macosx.tar.gz
ls /Applications/bioinfo/
/Applications/bioinfo/ncbi-blast-2.13.0+/bin/blastx -h

Make Blast Database


cd ../data
curl -O
mv uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz uniprot_sprot_r2023_01.fasta.gz
gunzip -k uniprot_sprot_r2023_01.fasta.gz
ls ../data
/Applications/bioinfo/ncbi-blast-2.13.0+/bin/makeblastdb \
-in ../data/uniprot_sprot_r2023_01.fasta \
-dbtype prot \
-out ../blastdb/uniprot_sprot_r2023_01

Get the query sequence

curl \
-k \
> ../data/Ab_4denovo_CLC6_a.fa
head ../data/Ab_4denovo_CLC6_a.fa
echo "How many sequences are there?"
grep -c ">" ../data/Ab_4denovo_CLC6_a.fa
How many sequences are there?

Run Blast

/Applications/bioinfo/ncbi-blast-2.13.0+/bin/blastx \
-query ../data/Ab_4denovo_CLC6_a.fa \
-db ../blastdb/uniprot_sprot_r2023_01 \
-out ../output/ \
-evalue 1E-20 \
-num_threads 20 \
-max_target_seqs 1 \
-outfmt 6
head -2 ../output/
wc -l ../output/
solid0078_20110412_FRAG_BC_WHITE_WHITE_F3_QV_SE_trimmed_contig_3    sp|O42248|GBLP_DANRE    82.456  171 30  0   1   513 35  205 2.81e-103   301
solid0078_20110412_FRAG_BC_WHITE_WHITE_F3_QV_SE_trimmed_contig_5    sp|Q08013|SSRG_RAT  75.385  65  16  0   3   197 121 185 1.40e-28    104
     765 ../output/

Need to convert sp|Q08013|SSRG_RAT to get accession number out.

Getting more information
curl -O "Accept: text/plain; format=tsv" ""
curl -O -H "Accept: text/plain; format=tsv" ""

Joining blast table with annotation table

At this point we have a blast output table and annotation table both with a Uniprot accession number. Thus we can join the two tables and be able to get more functional information about thet genes.

head -2 ../output/
wc -l ../output/
tr '|' '\t' < ../output/ | head -2
tr '|' '\t' < ../output/ \
> ../output/
head -2 ../data/
wc -l ../data/
── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
✔ dplyr     1.1.0     ✔ readr     2.1.4
✔ forcats   1.0.0     ✔ stringr   1.5.0
✔ ggplot2   3.4.1     ✔ tibble    3.1.8
✔ lubridate 1.9.2     ✔ tidyr     1.3.0
✔ purrr     1.0.1     
── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
ℹ Use the conflicted package (<>) to force all conflicts to become errors

Attaching package: 'kableExtra'

The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':

bltabl <- read.csv("../output/", sep = '\t', header = FALSE)
spgo <- read.csv("../data/", sep = '\t', header = TRUE)
'data.frame':   569213 obs. of  17 variables:
 $ Entry                             : chr  "A0A023I7E1" "A0A024B7W1" "A0A024SC78" "A0A024SH76" ...
 $ Reviewed                          : chr  "reviewed" "reviewed" "reviewed" "reviewed" ...
 $ Entry.Name                        : chr  "ENG1_RHIMI" "POLG_ZIKVF" "CUTI1_HYPJR" "GUX2_HYPJR" ...
 $ Protein.names                     : chr  "Glucan endo-1,3-beta-D-glucosidase 1 (Endo-1,3-beta-glucanase 1) (EC (Laminarinase) (RmLam81A)" "Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Capsid protein) (Core protein); Protein prM (Precursor memb"| __truncated__ "Cutinase (EC" "Exoglucanase 2 (EC (1,4-beta-cellobiohydrolase) (Cellobiohydrolase 6A) (Cel6A) (Exocellobiohydrolase "| __truncated__ ...
 $ Gene.Names                        : chr  "ENG1 LAM81A" "" "M419DRAFT_76732" "cbh2 M419DRAFT_122470" ...
 $ Organism                          : chr  "Rhizomucor miehei" "Zika virus (isolate ZIKV/Human/French Polynesia/10087PF/2013) (ZIKV)" "Hypocrea jecorina (strain ATCC 56765 / BCRC 32924 / NRRL 11460 / Rut C-30) (Trichoderma reesei)" "Hypocrea jecorina (strain ATCC 56765 / BCRC 32924 / NRRL 11460 / Rut C-30) (Trichoderma reesei)" ...
 $ Length                            : int  796 3423 248 471 478 693 333 742 2442 455 ...
 $ Gene.Ontology..molecular.function.: chr  "glucan endo-1,3-beta-D-glucosidase activity [GO:0042973]; glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucanase activity, C-3 substitu"| __truncated__ "4 iron, 4 sulfur cluster binding [GO:0051539]; ATP binding [GO:0005524]; ATP hydrolysis activity [GO:0016887]; "| __truncated__ "cutinase activity [GO:0050525]" "cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase activity [GO:0016162]; cellulose binding [GO:0030248]" ...
 $ Gene.Ontology..GO.                : chr  "extracellular region [GO:0005576]; glucan endo-1,3-beta-D-glucosidase activity [GO:0042973]; glucan endo-1,3-be"| __truncated__ "extracellular region [GO:0005576]; host cell endoplasmic reticulum membrane [GO:0044167]; host cell nucleus [GO"| __truncated__ "extracellular region [GO:0005576]; cutinase activity [GO:0050525]" "extracellular region [GO:0005576]; cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase activity [GO:0016162]; cellulose binding ["| __truncated__ ...
 $ Gene.Ontology..biological.process.: chr  "cell wall organization [GO:0071555]; polysaccharide catabolic process [GO:0000272]" "clathrin-dependent endocytosis of virus by host cell [GO:0075512]; fusion of virus membrane with host endosome "| __truncated__ "" "cellulose catabolic process [GO:0030245]" ...
 $ Gene.Ontology..cellular.component.: chr  "extracellular region [GO:0005576]" "extracellular region [GO:0005576]; host cell endoplasmic reticulum membrane [GO:0044167]; host cell nucleus [GO"| __truncated__ "extracellular region [GO:0005576]" "extracellular region [GO:0005576]" ...
 $ Gene.Ontology.IDs                 : chr  "GO:0000272; GO:0005576; GO:0042973; GO:0052861; GO:0052862; GO:0071555" "GO:0003724; GO:0003725; GO:0003968; GO:0004252; GO:0004482; GO:0004483; GO:0005198; GO:0005524; GO:0005525; GO:"| __truncated__ "GO:0005576; GO:0050525" "GO:0005576; GO:0016162; GO:0030245; GO:0030248" ...
 $ Interacts.with                    : chr  "" "" "" "" ...
 $ EC.number                         : chr  "" ";;;;;" "" "" ...
 $ Reactome                          : chr  "" "" "" "" ...
 $ UniPathway                        : chr  "" "" "" "" ...
 $ InterPro                          : chr  "IPR005200;IPR040720;IPR040451;" "IPR011492;IPR043502;IPR000069;IPR038302;IPR013755;IPR001122;IPR037172;IPR027287;IPR026470;IPR038345;IPR001157;I"| __truncated__ "IPR029058;IPR000675;IPR043580;IPR043579;IPR011150;" "IPR016288;IPR036434;IPR035971;IPR000254;IPR001524;" ...
  left_join(bltabl, spgo,  by = c("V3" = "Entry")) %>%
  select(V1, V3, V13, Protein.names, Organism, Gene.Ontology..biological.process., Gene.Ontology.IDs) %>% mutate(V1 = str_replace_all(V1, 
            pattern = "solid0078_20110412_FRAG_BC_WHITE_WHITE_F3_QV_SE_trimmed", replacement = "Ab"))
) %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"))
V1 V3 V13 Protein.names Organism Gene.Ontology..biological.process. Gene.Ontology.IDs
Ab_contig_3 O42248 0 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit beta-2-like 1 (Receptor of activated protein kinase C) (RACK) Danio rerio (Zebrafish) (Brachydanio rerio) angiogenesis [GO:0001525]; convergent extension involved in gastrulation [GO:0060027]; negative regulation of Wnt signaling pathway [GO:0030178]; positive regulation of gastrulation [GO:2000543]; positive regulation of protein phosphorylation [GO:0001934]; regulation of cell division [GO:0051302]; regulation of establishment of cell polarity [GO:2000114]; regulation of protein localization [GO:0032880]; rescue of stalled ribosome [GO:0072344] GO:0001525; GO:0001934; GO:0005080; GO:0005634; GO:0005737; GO:0005829; GO:0005840; GO:0030178; GO:0032880; GO:0043022; GO:0045182; GO:0051302; GO:0060027; GO:0072344; GO:1990904; GO:2000114; GO:2000543
Ab_contig_5 Q08013 0 Translocon-associated protein subunit gamma (TRAP-gamma) (Signal sequence receptor subunit gamma) (SSR-gamma) Rattus norvegicus (Rat) SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane [GO:0006614] GO:0005783; GO:0005784; GO:0006614
Ab_contig_6 P12234 0 Phosphate carrier protein, mitochondrial (Phosphate transport protein) (PTP) (Solute carrier family 25 member 3) Bos taurus (Bovine) mitochondrial phosphate ion transmembrane transport [GO:1990547]; phosphate ion transmembrane transport [GO:0035435] GO:0005315; GO:0005739; GO:0005743; GO:0015293; GO:0035435; GO:0044877; GO:1990547
Ab_contig_9 Q41629 0 ADP,ATP carrier protein 1, mitochondrial (ADP/ATP translocase 1) (Adenine nucleotide translocator 1) (ANT 1) Triticum aestivum (Wheat) mitochondrial ADP transmembrane transport [GO:0140021]; mitochondrial ATP transmembrane transport [GO:1990544] GO:0005471; GO:0005743; GO:0140021; GO:1990544
Ab_contig_13 Q32NG4 0 Glutamine amidotransferase-like class 1 domain-containing protein 1 (Parkinson disease 7 domain-containing protein 1) Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog) GO:0005576
Ab_contig_23 Q9GNE2 0 60S ribosomal protein L23 (AeRpL17A) (L17A) Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) (Culex aegypti) translation [GO:0006412] GO:0003735; GO:0005840; GO:0006412; GO:1990904
left_join(bltabl, spgo,  by = c("V3" = "Entry")) %>%
  select(V1, V3, V13, Protein.names, Organism, Gene.Ontology..biological.process., Gene.Ontology.IDs) %>% mutate(V1 = str_replace_all(V1, 
            pattern = "solid0078_20110412_FRAG_BC_WHITE_WHITE_F3_QV_SE_trimmed", replacement = "Ab")) %>%
  write_delim("../output/", delim = '\t')