Project slidedeck

Show and tell

Screen Recording


TLDR: Create and publish a presentation in Quarto on you research project.

Creating Slides

  1. Start by going to New File > Quarto Presentation. (Leave render type as default)

  2. Save file in research repo, in the code directory, with the prefix 05.

  3. Create Slides using ## (Heading 2) to title new slide.


You can use same code and principles that you used for knitting a report in week three. Including the set-up chunk. Chunk options work the same way.

  1. Publish slides using Rpubs and provide link in readme.


For this assignment you will want to develop slides that

  1. Clearly demonstrate your project goal
  2. Methods taken
  3. Preliminary Results
  4. Outline of next steps for next 4 weeks

Minimum Required components

  1. Show core code
  2. Show parts of initial data (could be first few lines etc)
  3. Include a table
  4. Include image
  5. Include plot generated from code
  6. Highlight specific lines of code in code block